Salle 318 (IMB) Salle 318 (IMB)We construct Hopf bimodules and Yetter-Drinfeld modules of Hopf algebroids as a generalization of the theory for Hopf algebras. More precisely, we show that the categories of Hopf bimodules and Yetter-Drinfeld modules
Arthur Touati: Initial data for Minkowski stability with arbitrary decay
In this talk, I will present a construction of arbitrarily decaying initial data for the stability of Minkowski spacetime as solutions to the Einstein equations. Initial data on a spacelike hypersurface need
Gabriele Rembado: Quantifications et déformations d’espaces de modules de connexions méromorphes
Salle 318 (IMB) Salle 318 (IMB)Les espaces de modules de connexions méromorphes sur les (fibrés principaux au-dessus des) surfaces de Riemann ont une structure géométrique très riche. Dans le cas logarithmique, ils coïncident avec les variétés de
Sergej Monavari: Counting instantons by counting boxes
Salle 318 (IMB) Salle 318 (IMB)A major modern problem in topological string theory is the studying of instanton moduli spaces, and their associated partition functions. We will try to explain the mathematical counterpart of this problem (Donaldson-Thomas
Dimitri Gourevitch: Combinatorics on Reflection Equation algebras
Salle 318 (IMB) Salle 318 (IMB)Reflection Equation Algebras (without parameters) are very remarkable objects. They admit introducing q-analogs of certain symmetric functions and quantum versions of some classical formulae of combinatorics: Capelli, Frobenius and others. I plan
Alicia Castro: JT Gravity and Virasoro strings as random geometries
Salle 318 (IMB) Salle 318 (IMB)In this talk, I will present JT gravity and the Virasoro string, models of two-dimensional quantum gravity on constant negatively curved spacetimes and as two coupled CFTs, respectively, as models of random
Jérémie Vidal: Ondes d’inertie-gravité dans les tourbillons géophysiques
(The talk will be given in English in case non-French speakers are attending)Les effets de rotation et de stratification en densité (e.g. quand un fluide léger se trouve au dessus d'un fluide
Ariane Carrance: Cartes bicolorées, modèle d’Ising et nouvelles conditions de bord
Salle 318 (IMB) Salle 318 (IMB)Les cartes bicolorées peuvent être comprises comme un cas particulier du modèle d'Ising sur les cartes. Elles contiennent une complexité combinatoire qui n'est pas présente dans les cartes quelconques, et qui se
Wolfgang Wieland: Quantum Geometry of the Light Cone
Recently, I introduced a non-perturbative quantization of impulsive gravitational null initial data. In this talk, I present the key results established thus far. The starting point is the characteristic null initial problem for tetradic gravity
Yoshihisa Saito: On elliptic root systems and their applications
Salle 318 (IMB) Salle 318 (IMB)In the middle of 1980's, motivated by study of singularity theories, K. Saito introduced the notion of "elliptic root systems". Roughly speaking, they are root systems with two null directions. Furthermore, he
Volker Betz: The effective mass of the polaron
Salle 318 (IMB) Salle 318 (IMB)The polaron describes a charged particle moving in a polarizable medium. Due to the interaction with the medium, the particle appears to be heavier that it would be outside the medium. This
Veronica Fantini: Résolution d’équations de Volterra avec des singularités régulières
Salle 318 (IMB) Salle 318 (IMB)La résolution des EDO avec des singularités irrégulières en domaine complexe peut être faite soit formellement, soit analytiquement. Au niveau formel, une méthode de Poincaré permet de construire un frame de solutions
Pavel Drozdov: Coalgebra symmetry approach and applications to discrete integrability
Salle 318 (IMB) Salle 318 (IMB)The coalgebra symmetry method, developed by is one of the most fruitful techniques to produce systematically an N-dimensional Hamiltonian integrable system from a 1-dimensional system. This method has been recently adapted for
Edward Mazenc: Strings From Feynman Diagrams
Salle 318 (IMB) Salle 318 (IMB)How are bulk strings related to boundary Feynman diagrams? I will give an overview of my work with Rajesh Gopakumar on deriving the closed string dual to the simplest possible gauge theory,
Harriet Walsh: Inhomogeneous random growth in half space and solutions of integrable equations
Salle 318 (IMB) Salle 318 (IMB)I will talk about models of two dimensional random growth (namely, polynuclear growth) which can be translated into probability laws on integer partitions by way of the RSK algorithm. As a consequence,
Yang Yang: RCFT correlators as equivalences of modular functors
Salle 318 (IMB) Salle 318 (IMB)The local information of a 2d rational conformal field theory (RCFT) is encoded in a vertex operator algebra, whose modules constitute a modular fusion category C. The collection of global observables of
Lukas Müller: Topological defects
Salle 318 (IMB) Salle 318 (IMB)Recently, the study of higher categories of topological defects in quantum field theory has gained significant attention due to their connection to categorical symmetries. These higher categories exhibit noteworthy additional structures, depending
Yu Hamada: Knotted comic strings in particle physics models
Salle 318 (IMB) Salle 318 (IMB)Cosmic strings (or vortex strings) are topological defects arising when U(1) symmetry is spontaneously broken in quantum field theories. In three-dimensional relativistic systems, loops of cosmic strings are known to be unstable
Masashi Hamanaka: 4-dimensional Wess-Zumino-Witten Models as a Unified Theory of Integrable Systems
Salle 318 (IMB) Salle 318 (IMB)Four-dimensional Wess-Zumino-Witten (4dWZW) models are analogous to the two dimensional WZW models and possesses aspects of conformal field theory and twistor theory . Equation of motion of the 4dWZW model is the
Antonino Flachi: Revisiting the Quantum Vacuum
Salle 318 (IMB) Salle 318 (IMB)A fundamental prediction of quantum physics is the existence of random fluctuations everywhere in vacuum. This is one of the most remarkable and central ideas in quantum field theory which manifests itself
Victor Mishnyakov: Hidden symmetry of exactly solvable matrix models
Salle 318 (IMB) Salle 318 (IMB)The prominent role of matrix models in physics and mathematics is well known. It is especially interesting that some of those models are exactly solvable, meaning the one can find explicit formulas
Jules Lamers: An invitation to long-range quantum integrability
Salle 318 (IMB) Salle 318 (IMB)Spin chain are quantum-mechanical models for magnetic materials. Special examples are (quantum) integrable: they have many conserved charges whose spectrum can be determined exactly thanks to a rich underlying algebraic structure. While
Junchen Rong: Local conformal field theory from long range perturbation theory
Conformal field theory (CFT) plays a crucial role in understanding phase transitions, whether quantum or statistical. Typically, CFTs are studied using perturbative methods, such as the 4-epsilon expansion and the large N
Adrien Tendani-Soler: Local exact controllability to a constant trajectory for a compressible Navier-Stokes-Korteweg system
Salle 318 (IMB) Salle 318 (IMB)In this presentation, we explore the local exact controllability to a constant trajectory for the compressible Navier-Stokes-Korteweg system on the torus in dimensions $din{1,2,3}$, where the control acts on an open subset.
Journées du réseau Dijon-Lyon-Metz de physique mathématique
Salle A318 (IMB) Salle A318 (IMB)This is the third edition of the research network workshop of Dijon-Lyon-Metz on mathematical physics. Topics of the workshop include (but are not restricted to):Classical and Quantum Field Theory (multisymplectic geometry, Higher
Valentin Arrigoni: Inverse resonance problem on a perturbed infinite hyperbolic cylinder
We study an inverse resonance problem on a radially and compactly perturbed infinite hyperbolic cylinder. Using the symmetries of this kind of geometry, we are led to study a stationary Schrödinger equation
Ken Shiozaki
Salle 318 (IMB) Salle 318 (IMB)
Topological phases and related topics
Salle 318 (IMB) Salle 318 (IMB)Invited speakersKen Shiozaki (Kyoto University)Atsushi Ueda (Ghent University)Hidir-Deniz Yeral (Université de Bourgogne)
Mariem Magdy: Exploring the asymptotics of scalar fields near spatial infinity
Conformal geometry tools allow us to study global geometric aspects of a spacetime using local differential geometry. In this talk, I will focus on a particular conformal representation of Minkowski spacetime which
Mohamad Alameddine: La dualité $x$-$y$ et le problème de classification des espaces de modules des connections / The $x$-$y$ duality and the classification problem of moduli spaces of connections
Salle 318 (IMB) Salle 318 (IMB)La dualité $x$-$y$, depuis sa découverte comme une symétrie de la récurrence topologique de Eynard-Orantin, a été l'objet principal d'investigations dans des domaines divers (systèmes intégrables, théorie des cordes, géométrie algébrique et
Muze Ren: From generalized pentagon equations to reduced coaction equations
Salle 318 (IMB) Salle 318 (IMB)V. Drinfeld defined the KZ associator by considering the regularized holonomy of KZ equation along the real interval from 0 to 1 and proved that it satisfies the pentagon equation. We consider
Meer Ashwinkumar: Dualities and Discretizations of Integrable Quantum Field Theories from 4d Chern-Simons Theory
Salle 318 (IMB) Salle 318 (IMB)We elucidate the relationship between 2d integrable field theories and 2d integrable lattice models, in the framework of the 4d Chern-Simons theory. The 2d integrable field theory is realized by coupling the
Alexander Thomas: Déformation de l’algèbre de Virasoro via construction de Feigin-Fuks
L'algèbre de Virasoro est l'algèbre des symétries des théories conformes en dimension 2. C'est une extension centrale de l'algèbre de Witt, l'algèbre des champs de vecteurs sur le cercle. Plusieurs constructions permettent
Ana Retore: Perturbative Yang-Baxter integrability in isotropic spin chains
Salle 318 (IMB) Salle 318 (IMB)The presence of Yang-Baxter integrability in a given model provides a series of powerful tools to study its spectrum and properties. This is the case, for instance, in a series of discrete
Gwenaël Ferrando: Integrability for the computation of structure constants in the $mathbb{Z}_2$ orbifold of $mathcal{N}=4$ SYM
Salle 318 (IMB) Salle 318 (IMB)The planar $mathcal{N}=4$ SYM theory and some of its deformations are integrable and should thus be amenable to an explicit solution at finite coupling. This has been achieved for the spectrum of conformal dimensions
Irina Bobrova: Around non-commutative analogs of the Painlevé monodromy manifolds
The famous differential Painlevé equations define the most general non-linear special functions. They are connected to various branches of mathematics as well as mathematical physics. In recent years, there has been growing
Shigenori Nakatsuka: On the Feigin-Frenkel center of affine Lie superalgebras
To study the representation theory of a given algebra, one of the fundamental problems is to understand the center of the algebra. For semisimple Lie superalgebras (over complex numbers), one considers the center
Charlotte Kirchhoff-Lukat: The Fukaya category of a log symplectic surface
Floer theory and Fukaya categories constitute powerful invariants of symplectic manifolds. As a first step in the effort to extend these techniques to Poisson structures with degeneracies, I will present the construction
Roberta Iseppi: The Batalin-Vilkovisky quantization for finite spectral triple
The Batalin-Vilkovisky (BV) formalism plays a fundamental role in thequantization of gauge theories, yet its rigorous formulation within theframework of noncommutative geometry (NCG) remains an open <a href="http://challenge.In" target="_blank" title="challenge.In">challenge.In this talk,
Zhihao Wang: Skein theory and quantum groups
In this talk, we will explain how the Kauffman bracket relations can be derived using the representation theory of Uq(sl2). We will introduce the stated skein algebra and show that the stated
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