Arthemy Kiselev: Kontsevich’s star-product up to order seven for affine Poisson brackets, or: Where are the Riemann zeta values?
Salle 318 (IMB) Salle 318 (IMB)Noncommutative associative star-products are deformations of the usual product of functions on smooth manifolds; in every star-product, its leading deformation term is a Poisson bracket. Kontsevich's star-products on finite-dimensional affine Poisson manifolds
Daniele Gregori
Salle 318 (IMB) Salle 318 (IMB)
Kayla Orlinsky: The indicators of some representations of a bismash product Hopf algebra
The bismash product $H_n = mathbb C^{C_n}#mathbb CS_{n−1}$ and its dual $J_n = mathbb C^{S_{n−1}}#mathbb CC_n$ are semisimple Hopf algebras whose structure is induced from a factorization of the symmetric group $S_n
Alejandro Penuela
Salle 318 (IMB) Salle 318 (IMB)
Marc Geiller: Extending the asymptotic structure of gravity
Salle 318 (IMB) Salle 318 (IMB)I will review some recent developments in the investigation of the asymptotic structure of general relativity, and in particular the various extensions of the asymptotic symmetry group which have been proposed in
Séminaire informel de Marc Geiller
Marc Geiller (ENS Lyon), who will be our speaker for the mathematical physics seminar of Dec 7, has agreed to give an additional informal talk on Friday Dec 9, at 10am in
Lukas Müller: Reflection Structures and Spin Statistics in Low Dimensions
Salle 318 (IMB) Salle 318 (IMB)In physics the spin of a particle determines its statistics. Furthermore, physical systems (in Euclidean signature) usually have a reflection structure, i.e. an identification of orientation reversal with complex conjugation. Neither of
Nathan Couchet: Nouvelle définition d’un symbole classique d’un opérateur pseudodifférentiel et calcul pseudodifférentiel groupoïdal de Van Erp et Yuncken.
Salle 318 (IMB) Salle 318 (IMB)L’étude des équations de la chaleur, des ondes, de Poisson entraîne l’émergence, dans la première moitié du 20ième siècle, des opérateurs à noyaux et des opérateurs différentiels. Ces équations sont usuellement de
Matteo Casati: Poisson cohomology for difference systems
Salle 318 (IMB) Salle 318 (IMB)Integrable differential-difference systems are endowed with biHamiltonian structures defined by difference operators, contrasting with the better known case of Hamiltonian PDEs. I will present a geometric framework for the investigation of such
Alejandro Penuela: Local Foliations by critical surfaces of the hawking energy and small sphere limit.
Salle 318 (IMB) Salle 318 (IMB)The Hawking energy is one of the most famous local energies in general relativity, but it has the inconvenience that it is highly depedend on the surface taken.To remedy this Lamm, Metzger
Maxime Fairon: Quivers and integrable systems
Salle 318 (IMB) Salle 318 (IMB)In 2015, Chalykh and Silantyev observed that generalisations of the classical Calogero-Moser system with different types of spin variables can be constructed on quiver varieties associated with cyclic quivers. Building on their
Vladimir Sokolov: Non-Abelian generalizations of integrable PDEs and ODEs
A general procedure for non-abelinization of given integrablepolynomial differential equation is described. We are considering the NLStype equations as an example. We also find non-abelian Euler's top.Results related to non-abelian systems of
Mitia Duerinckx: Quantum diffusion and related questions
En ligne uniquementIn this talk, we discuss a spectral perspective on the quantum diffusion conjecture for a quantum particle in a weakly random medium. We also draw the link to the study of Cherenkov
Sofia Tarricone: Solutions et applications de deux analogues de la hiérarchie de Painlevé II
Salle 318 (IMB) Salle 318 (IMB)Dans cet exposé nous allons étudier deux analogues de la hiérarchie de Painlevé II : un intégro-différentielle et l'autre discret. Pour chacun de cas nous décrieront des solutions liées à une généralisation
Gabriele Rembado: Conformal blocks and Riemann surfaces: the wild case
Salle 318 (IMB) Salle 318 (IMB)It has been known for roughly 30 years that the Knizhnik--Zamolodchikov connection (KZ) can be obtained from the quantisation of the Schlesinger system: KZ controls correlation functions in conformal field theory, and
Francis White: Quadratic Evolution Equations and Fourier Integral Operators in the Complex Domain
Salle 318 (IMB) Salle 318 (IMB)In mathematical physics, non self-adjoint operators and their associated evolution equations are used to model dissipative phenomena. In this talk, I will present some new results concerning the propagation of global analytic
Andrey Gelash: Solitonic model of spontaneous modulation instability development
318 (IMB) 318 (IMB)We consider the focusing one-dimensional nonlinear Schrodinger equation (NLSE), which can be completely integrated using the Inverse Scattering Transform (IST) method. The IST allows decomposing of nonlinear wave fields into solitons and
Masataka Watanabe: The Large Charge Expansion and Beyond
Salle 318 (IMB) Salle 318 (IMB)Strongly-correlated systems are interesting yet hard to solve. However, even in the absence of the weak-coupling parameter, a theory might have a nice sector where it might become solvable. We found that
Marco Fasondini: Blow-up solutions of uₜ = uₓₓ + u² : numerics and asymptotics in the complex plane
We present numerical and asymptotic results of our study of periodic blow-up solutions to the semilinear heat equation uₜ = uₓₓ + u² in the complex x-plane. Time permitting, we'll also present
Alex Takeda: Structures de pré-Calabi-Yau et topologie des espaces de lacets
Salle 318 (IMB) Salle 318 (IMB)Dans cet exposé, j’expliquerai une application du formalisme des catégories de pré-Calabi-Yau à l’étude des espaces de lacets. On a développé ce formalisme avec Kontsevich et Vlassopoulos, comme un outil algébrique qui
Julia Plavnik
Salle 318 (IMB) Salle 318 (IMB)
Shunji Tsuchiya: Introduction to quantum computation – Heisenberg picture in quantum computation and the Gottesman-Knill theorem
Salle René Baire (IMB) Salle René Baire (IMB)I introduce some basics of quantum information. The lecture covers the following topics: quantum circuits, Heisenberg picture in quantum computation, the stabilizer formalism, quantum error correction, and the Gottesman-Knill theorem. This series of
Shunji Tsuchiya: Introduction to quantum computation – Heisenberg picture in quantum computation and the Gottesman-Knill theorem
Salle René Baire (IMB) Salle René Baire (IMB)I introduce some basics of quantum information. The lecture covers the following topics: quantum circuits, Heisenberg picture in quantum computation, the stabilizer formalism, quantum error correction, and the Gottesman-Knill theorem. This series of
Shunji Tsuchiya: Introduction to quantum computation – Heisenberg picture in quantum computation and the Gottesman-Knill theorem
Salle René Baire (IMB) Salle René Baire (IMB)I introduce some basics of quantum information. The lecture covers the following topics: quantum circuits, Heisenberg picture in quantum computation, the stabilizer formalism, quantum error correction, and the Gottesman-Knill theorem. This series of
Roberto Oliveri: Relating post-Minkowskian and Bondi-Sachs formalisms
I will first outline the construction of an explicit algorithm transforming a post-Minkowskian (PM) metric in harmonic gauge to a metric in radiative gauges, such as Newman-Unti and Bondi gauges. Then, I
Akifumi Sako: Matrix models as scalar field theories on noncommutative spaces
Salle 318 (IMB) Salle 318 (IMB)The UV/IR mixing problem makes renormalization difficult when considering quantum field theories on noncommutative spaces. To avoid the UV/IR mixing, Grosse and Steinacker adjusted the action of scalar Phi cubic theories on
Hitoshi Konno: Elliptic Quantum Toroidal Algebra $U_{q,t,p}(gl_{1,tor})$ and Jordan quiver gauge theories
After reviewing the elliptic quantum group $U_{q,p}(g)$ associated with the affine Lie algebra $g$, we introduce a new elliptic quantum toroidal algebra $U_{q,t,p}(gl_{1,tor})$. By using the vertex operators (the intertwining operators) of
Nafiz Ishtiaque: Dynamical R-matrix for superspin chains from the Bethe/Gauge correspondence
The Bethe/Gauge correspondence of Nekrasov and Shatashvili describes the low energy dynamics of the vacua of certain supersymmetric gauge theories in terms of integrable spin chains. I will discuss an application of
Léonard Ferdinand: Renormalization of (non-local) QFTs and Singular Stochastic PDEs
I will report on recent advances in the definition of the solution theory to some singular stochastic PDEs, in connection with the construction of Euclidean QFTs. Hairer, in 2014, and Gubinelli-Imkeler-Perkowski, in 2015, have made
Michael Hitrik: Semiclassical asymptotics for Bergman projections: from smooth to analytic
Salle 318 (IMB) Salle 318 (IMB)The semiclassical analysis of Bergman kernels is a multifaceted subject, with applications to physics, complex analysis, and geometry. Locally, the study of Bergman kernels can often be reduced to the analysis of
Luca Lionni: On local unitary invariance, multipartite entanglement, and random triangulations
Local unitary invariant polynomials of tensor variables play an important role in the study of multipartite entanglement. They also characterize tensor distributions that possess this invariance, and are in bijection with certain triangulations in dimension
Daniele Gregori: Integrability tools and insights into black holes’ ringdown
In this talk, I will explain how to apply some standard integrability tools like Thermodynamic Bethe Ansatz (TBA) or Quantum Wronskian to realistic black holes models. In particular, the ringdown phase of
Haru Negami: Multiplicative middle convolution for KZ-type equations and construction of representations of braid groups
Salle 318 (IMB) Salle 318 (IMB)There are various ways to define braid groups $B_n$. One is to view it as the fundamental group of the configuration space of unordered $n$-points on the complex plane, and another is
Soufiane Oukassi: Recursions and ODEs for the correlators in integrable systems
Salle 318 (IMB) Salle 318 (IMB)An integrable system is often formulated as a flat connection, satisfying a Lax equation. It is given in terms of compatible systems having a common solution called the “wave function” $Psi$ living
Antonin Coutant: Scattering of topological edge waves in Kekule structures
Kekule structures are graphene-like lattices, with a modulation of the intersite coupling that preserves the hexagonal symmetry of the system. These structures possess very peculiar properties. In particular, they display topological phases
Gerardo García: Deforming (almost) black holes from the inside and from the outside
In this talk I will reconsider the no-hair theorems trying to understand two main aspects. First of all, no-hair theorems are always formulated in vacuum. However, it is legitimate to ask about the role that
Mohamed Ould El Hadj: Black Hole Physics : The Regge Pole Approach
We advocate for the existence of an alternative description of the scattering and gravitational radiation phenomena of black holes based on complex angular momentum techniques (analytic continuation of partial wave expansions, S-matrix
Jun-ichi Sakamoto
Salle 318 (IMB) Salle 318 (IMB)
Morris Brooks: Diagonalization of dilute quantum gases
Salle 318 (IMB) Salle 318 (IMB)In this talk I present an elementary derivation of the celebrated Lee-Huang-Yang formula for Bose gases in the Gross-Pitaevskii Regime, which unifies various approaches that have been developed in recent years. We
Jason Joykutty: Zero-damped Modes and Nearly Extremal Horizons
Quasinormal modes are the gravitational wave analogue to the overtones heard after striking a bell. They dominate the signal observed during the ringdown phase after a dynamical event and are characterised by
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