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COLLOQUIUM David Krejčiřík « Is the optimal rectangle a square? « 

Salle René Baire (IMB) Salle René Baire (IMB)

Speakers: David Krejčiřík (Czech Technical University in Prague)We give a light talk on optimality of shapes in geometry and physics. First, we recollect classical geometric results that the disk has the largest area (respectively,

Edward Mazenc: Strings From Feynman Diagrams

Salle 318 (IMB) Salle 318 (IMB)

How are bulk strings related to boundary Feynman diagrams? I will give an overview of my work with Rajesh Gopakumar on deriving the closed string dual to the simplest possible gauge theory,

Yang Yang: RCFT correlators as equivalences of modular functors

Salle 318 (IMB) Salle 318 (IMB)

The local information of a 2d rational conformal field theory (RCFT) is encoded in a vertex operator algebra, whose modules constitute a modular fusion category C. The collection of global observables of

Flash Talk session.

Please prepare a 5-minute talk on a topic of your choice. This could be related to your research, an object you are passionate about, or even a theorem statement.This is a wonderful

Lukas Müller: Topological defects

Salle 318 (IMB) Salle 318 (IMB)

Recently, the study of higher categories of topological defects in quantum field theory has gained significant attention due to their connection to categorical symmetries. These higher categories exhibit noteworthy additional structures, depending

Journée scientifique de l’IMB

amphi Bernard (UFR Sciences et Techniques)

Lundi 3 juin 2024 de 10h à 17h aura lieu la traditionnelle Journée scientifique de l’IMBProgramme de la journée

Yu Hamada: Knotted comic strings in particle physics models

Salle 318 (IMB) Salle 318 (IMB)

Cosmic strings (or vortex strings) are topological defects arising when U(1) symmetry is spontaneously broken in quantum field theories. In three-dimensional relativistic systems, loops of cosmic strings are known to be unstable

Antonino Flachi: Revisiting the Quantum Vacuum

Salle 318 (IMB) Salle 318 (IMB)

A fundamental prediction of quantum physics is the existence of random fluctuations everywhere in vacuum. This is one of the most remarkable and central ideas in quantum field theory which manifests itself

Soutenance HDR de Patrick Tardivel

René Baire (IMB) René Baire (IMB)

Titre : "Étude de l’estimateur SLOPE par le prisme duschéma : Propriétés de parcimonie et d’appariement et calcul du chemin des solutions" Rapporteurs :— Julien Chiquet – Directeur de recherche au MIA (Paris-Saclay,

Jules Lamers: An invitation to long-range quantum integrability

Salle 318 (IMB) Salle 318 (IMB)

Spin chain are quantum-mechanical models for magnetic materials. Special examples are (quantum) integrable: they have many conserved charges whose spectrum can be determined exactly thanks to a rich underlying algebraic structure. While

Soutenance d’habilitation de Patrick Tardivel

René Baire René Baire

L'estimateur SLOPE, acronyme signifiant « Sorted L One Penalized Estimation », est défini comme une solution d'un problème d'optimisation convexe où le terme de pénalité est la norme L1 ordonnée. Cette norme,


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