Antoine Bourget: What is a magnetic quiver?
Salle 318 Salle 318I will briefly review the concept of magnetic quiver. It is a tool that allows the analysis of certain moduli spaces of physical theories. We will see how this can be used to attempt
Bruno Mera: Kähler geometry and Chern insulators
Salle 318 Salle 318Le resumé est disponible au format pdf en cliquant ici
Jose Senovilla: Elementary geometry and gravitational energy.
Salle 318 Salle 318There is no notion of local gravitational energy density. Gravity manifests itself as curvature of spacetime, and its strength can be measured by using variations of the elementary geometric quantities (area, volume,
Carlos Ogouyandjou: Connection on Wasserstein statistical manifolds
Salle 318 Salle 318Statistical manifolds are family of density functions with respect to some measure endowed to geometric structures used to model information, their field of study belonging to Information Geometry, a relatively recent branch
Rémi Mokdad Mokdad: Scattering of test fields in the interior of black holes
Salle 318 Salle 318Scattering theories are of great importance for many problems in General Relativity, and scattering in the interior of a black hole is particularly relevant in the context of the cosmic censorship conjecture
Julien Ricaud: Spectral Stability in the nonlinear Dirac equation with Soler-type nonlinearity
Salle 318 Salle 318This talk concerns the (generalized) Soler model: a nonlinear (massive) Dirac equation with a nonlinearity taking the form of a space-dependent mass. The equation admits standing wave solutions and they are generally
Federico Zerbini: KZB equations, polylogarithms and string amplitudes
Salle 318 Salle 318Amplitudes predict the outcome of scattering experiments with particle colliders. Feynman's perturbative approach leads to considering a power series whose coefficients are computed by so-called Feynman integrals. The perturbative expansion of string
Harold Erbin: Machine learning for complete intersection Calabi-Yau manifolds
Salle 318 Salle 318In this talk, I will explain how to compute both Hodge numbers for complete intersection Calabi-Yau (CICY) 3- and 4-folds using machine learning. I will first make a tour of various machine
Frederic Valet: Multi-solitons des équations de Zakharov-Kuznetsov
Salle 318 Salle 318Dans le domaine des équations aux dérivées partielles, les ondes solitaires sont des objets fondamentaux. Ces ondes aussi appelées solitons, qui gardent leur vitesse ainsi que leur forme au cours du temps,
Jack Borthwick: Géométrie différentielle projective et analyse asymptotique en Relativité Générale
Salle 318 Salle 318A toute variété lorentzienne (M,g) est associée une structure « projective » induite par sa connexion de Levi-Civita. Dans certains cas, il est possible de réaliser M comme l’intérieur d’une variété à
Sylvain Lavau: Hiérarchies de tenseurs et modules croisés différentiels
Salle 318 Salle 318Résumé : L'utilisation des algèbres de Leibniz à la place des algèbres de Lie en théorie de jauge est introduite de façon naturelle en supergravité. Les procédures de jaugeage dans ces théories
Quentin Ansel: Selective and Robust Time-Optimal SO(3)-Transformations
Salle 318 Salle 318SO(3) transformations are key elements in physics, such as for controlled spin systems. In experiments we have to consider a large ensemble of such physical entities, which are not exactly identical :
Arnaud Triay: The excitation spectrum of a dilute Bose gas in the Gross-Pitaevskii regime: the trapped case
Salle 318 Salle 318I will discuss a recent result about the excitation spectrum of a dilute Bose gas. We start from the microscopic many-body Hamiltonian H_N of quantum mechanics and derive Bogoliubov’s prediction for the
Jad Dabaghi: High-order numerical discretizations and a posteriori error estimates for variational inequalities
Salle 318 Salle 318We propose an adaptive inexact version of a class of semismooth Newton methods for variational inequalities.As a model problem, we study the system of variational inequalities describing the contact between two membranes.We
Massimo Moscolari: General bulk-edge correspondence at positive temperature.
Salle 318 Salle 318We consider 2d random ergodic Schrödinger operators with long range magnetic fields on domains with and without boundary. After a brief introduction to the bulk-edge correspondence in the quantum Hall effect, we
Matthieu Faitg (uni Hamburg): Cohomologie de Davydov-Yetter et algèbre homologique relative.
La cohomologie de Davydov-Yetter classifie les déformations infinitésimales des structures tensorielles (associateur d'une catégorie tensorielle ou d'un foncteur tensoriel). Après des rappels sur cette théorie cohomologique et quelques éléments d'algèbre homologique relative,
Theo Torres Vicente: Analogue Gravity: A playground to develop and test mathematical ideas.
Salle 318 Salle 318Résumé : In 1981, W.G. Unruh discovered a mathematical analogy between waves in condensed matter systems and massless scalar fields in a curved space-time. This discovery founded the field of analogue gravity
Georgios Papathanasiou: De la beauté des mathématiques aux collisions des particules élémentaires
Salle 318 Salle 318La compréhension des constituants élémentaires de la matière avance grâce aux expériences où le résultat de collisions entre particules est comparé aux prédictions théoriques. Même si les diagrammes de Feynman permettent le
Hussein Cheikh Ali (Université Libre de Bruxelles): The second best constant for the Hardy-Sobolev inequality on manifolds
Salle 318 Salle 318We consider the second best constant in the Hardy-Sobolev inequality on a Riemannian manifold. More precisely, we are interested with the existence of extremal functions for this inequality. This problem was tackled
Louis Garrigue: The inverse problem of Density functional theory
Salle 318 Salle 318Density functional theory (DFT) is one of the most used methods to model matter at microscopic scale in many-body quantum physics and chemistry. It can be expressed in terms of an inverse
Matteo Casati: Nonabelian integrable systems and their Hamiltonian structures
séminaire en ligne uniquement séminaire en ligne uniquementIntegrable nonabelian systems are equations of motion in which the field variables take values in a nonabelian algebra, as a matrix one. As their classical counterparts, we can describe their structure and
Ozlum Celik: Algebraic Curves, Computer Algebra and Integrable Systems
salle René Baire salle René BaireAn important application of algebraic curves is in the context of integrable systems via multi-dimensional theta functions. They give rise for instance to solutions of the Kadomtsev-Petviashvili hierarchy, a universal integrable system.This talk aims to make
Philippe Mathieu: Extensions of the Abelian Turaev-Viro construction and U(1) BF theory to any finite dimensional smooth oriented closed manifolds.
In 1992, V. Turaev and O. Viro defined an invariant of smooth oriented closed 3-manifolds consisting of labelling the edges of a triangulation of the manifold with representations of 𝒰q(sl₂(ℂ)) (q being
João Caetano: Integrability in and beyond AdS/CFT
Salle 318 Salle 318In this talk, I am going to review some aspects of the current state of the art of Integrability in the AdS/CFT correspondence and beyond. I will first describe a general nonperturbative approach to
Oussama Landoulsi: Asymptotic dynamics of the nonlinear Schrödinger equation in the exterior of an obstacle
séminaire uniquement en ligne séminaire uniquement en ligneIn this talk, we will study of the influence of the underlying space geometry on the asymptotic dynamics of the nonlinear Schrödinger (NLS) equation. We will consider the focusing NLS equation in
Nicolas Besset: Low frequency resonances of the charged Klein-Gordon equation in the De Sitter-Reissner-Nordström spacetime.
Salle 318 Salle 318Abstract: Resonances are complex frequencies which describe the oscillation and damping of solutions to wave-type equations at large time scales.In black hole type spacetimes such as the De Sitter-Reissner-Nordström (DSRN) solution of
Alexander Thomas: Topological field theories in 2d from Hecke algebras
We describe a construction which to a surface and a Iwahori-Hecke algebra associates an invariant which is a Laurent polynomial. More generally, this construction works for surfaces with boundary and behaves well
Félix-Louis Julié: Two-body problem in modified gravity theories: the example of binary black hole coalescence in Einstein-scalar-Gauss-Bonnet gravity
Salle 318 Salle 318I will show how to derive analytic gravitational waveforms associated to the coalescence of a “hairy” black hole binary in Einstein-scalar-Gauss-Bonnet gravity (ESGB). To this aim, I will first present the post-newtonian (PN) lagrangian
Van Tien Nguyen: Singularities in the Keller-Segel system
Many central problems in geometry, mathematical physics and biology reduce to questions regarding the behavior of solutions of nonlinear evolution equations. The global dynamical behavior of bounded solutions for large times is
Noémie Combe : New perspectives on Frobenius manifolds
Salle Baire (IMB) Salle Baire (IMB)One result of the fruitful interaction between Quantum Field Theory and Algebraic Geometry was the creation of Frobenius manifolds. Those objects lie at the heart of the mathematical vision of mirror symmetry
Lukas Jannik Woike: Foncteurs modulaires au-delà de la semi-simplicité et la rigidité
Salle 318 Salle 318Un foncteur modulaire est un système cohérent de représentations des groupes de difféotopie des surfaces orientées. Le notion apparaît naturellement dans la théorie des représentations des groupes quantiques et dans la théorie
Nicolas Augier: On the use of quasi-resonant controls in quantum control
Salle 318 Salle 318This talk will be dedicated to an averaging approximation (Rotating Wave Approximation) which allows to duplicate controls in the quantum setting by using quasi-resonant control fields. I will present some recent results
Alexander Alexandrov : Cut-and-join operators in cohomological field theory
Salle Baire (IMB) Salle Baire (IMB)We construct a cubic cut-and-join operator description for the partition functions of all semi-simple cohomological field theories, and, more generally, for the partition functions of the Chekhov-Eynard-Orantin topological recursion on a possibly
Martin Vogel: Spectral asymptotics of noisy non-selfadjoint operators
Salle 318 Salle 318Abstract:The spectral theory of non-selfadjoint operators is an old and highly developed subject. Yet it still poses many new challenges crucial for the understanding of modern problems such as scattering systems, open
Lukas Jannik Woike: Quantum topology beyond semisimplicity
Through the Reshetikhin-Turaev construction, a three-dimensional topological field theory can be built from a semisimple modular category. Thanks to a result of Bartlett, Douglas, Schommer-Pries and Vicary, a semisimple modular category is
Thomas Chouteau. On a discrete Painlevé II hierarchy via orthogonal polynomials: Lax pair and application to multicritical random partitions.
Salle 318 Salle 318In a recent article, Betea, Bouttier and Walsh presented a relation between higher order analogue of Tracy-Widom distribution and certain Toeplitz determinants describing the discrete gap probabilities in a multicritical random partitions
Go Noshita: 5d AGT correspondence of supergroup gauge theories from quantum toroidal $mathfrak{gl}_{1}$
Salle 318 Salle 318We discuss the 5d AGT correspondence of supergroup gauge theories with A-type supergroups. We introduce two intertwiners called positive and negative intertwiners to compute the instanton partition function. The positive intertwiner is
Équipe Math-Physique: Journée d’équipe
Harold Erbin: Machine learning for Riemann surfaces and applications to string field theory
String field theory is a second-quantized formulation of string theory. While its general properties are well understood, its action is non-polynomial and requires the determination of complicated subspaces of the moduli spaces
Steffen Polzer: Lower bound for the effective mass of the Fröhlich polaron
Salle 318 Salle 318The Fröhlich polaron describes the slow movement of an electron in a polar crystal. A long open problem is the asymptotics of the effective mass of the polaron in the strong coupling
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