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(minicours) D. Volin: Young tableaux and quantum integrability

Dmytro Volin will give 5 mini-courses about "Young tableaux and quantum integrability", with the following a priori schedule: Lecture 1 (march 26): Multiplication of Young tableaux through “Jeu de taquin”. Plactic monoid.

(minicours) D. Volin: Young tableaux and quantum integrability

Dmytro Volin will give 5 mini-courses about "Young tableaux and quantum integrability", with the following a priori schedule: Lecture 1 (march 26): Multiplication of Young tableaux through “Jeu de taquin”. Plactic monoid.

(minicours) D. Volin: Young tableaux and quantum integrability

Dmytro Volin will give 5 mini-courses about "Young tableaux and quantum integrability", with the following a priori schedule: Lecture 1 (march 26): Multiplication of Young tableaux through “Jeu de taquin”. Plactic monoid.

Resolvent estimates and semigroup expansions for non-selfadjoint Schrödinger operators

Salle A318 (IMB) Salle A318 (IMB)

Speakers: Michael Hitrik (UCLA)We establish a large time expansion for the propagator associated to a semiclassical non-selfadjoint magnetic Schrödinger operator, in terms of the corresponding low lying eigenvalues.This is joint work with Ben Bellis.

Badri Krishnan: The merger of black hole horizons

Salle A318 Salle A318

Speakers: Badri Krishnan (Max-Planck Institut for Gravitational Physics (AEI))In this talk I will present a new way of visualizing and studying a binary black hole coalescence.  Instead of employing global event horizons, this

Mikhail Isachenkov: Models of Calogero-Sutherland type in d>2 CFT

Salle A318 Salle A318

Speakers: Mikhail Isachenkov (IHES)Conformal bootstrap programme in the spacetime dimensions d>2 has seen a revival in the last decade. I will describe a direct connection between the important constituents of the bootstrap

Stefan Hohenegger : Symmetries in A-Type Little String Theories

Salle A318 Salle A318

Speakers: Stefan Hohenegger (Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1)In this talk, I discuss so-called Little String Theories (LSTs), which are a type of interacting quantum theories whose UV-completion contains string-like (i.e. extended) degrees

Atsuo Kuniba: Generalized hydrodynamics in box-ball system ANNULÉ

Speakers: Atsuo Kuniba (University of Tokyo)Box-ball system (BBS) is a distinguished example ofsoliton cellular automaton in one dimension.Its integrability has been studied extensively from the viewpoint ofquantum groups, Bethe ansatz, ultradiscretization and

Alexander Alexandrov

Speakers: Alexander Alexandrov (IBS Center for Geometry and Physics, POSTECH)

Robin Tucker

Speakers: Robin Tucker (Lancaster University)

The topological string and Jacobi forms

Online Online

Speakers: Amir-Kian Kashani-Poor (École normale supérieure)In this talk, we will give a leisurely introduction to the topological string, emphasizing its multi-faceted nature inherited from its parent theory, string theory. As a concrete

GDR DYNQUA 10-12 Mars

Journée de l’équipe Math-Physique

salle René Baire salle René Baire

La journée d'équipe se tiendra en hybride: en salle rené Baire et sur TEAMS.Programme: 9h45-10h10 exposé de Nicolas Babinet 10h15-10h40 exposé de Eddy Brandon De León 10h45-11h Pause (café) 11h-11h25 exposé de


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