Chargement de la vue.
Rencontres Mathématiques Besançon-Dijon
Salle 316 B (LMB) Salle 316 B (LMB)It is a major insight of the preceding two centuries that one can use a geometrical language to study the solutions of a given set of polynomial equations with coefficients in an
Journée Scientifique de l’IMB
René Baire (IMB) René Baire (IMB)10h-11h Maria Cumplido Cabello : Conjugacy stability of standard parabolic subgroups of Artin groups of spherical type11h-12h Franz Chouly : Une méthode numérique explicite en temps pour le contact dynamique14h-15h Delphine Moussard
Geometry and Integrable Systems
René Baire (IMB) René Baire (IMB)Speakers: Kenji Iohara Iohara (Université Lyon 1), Giuseppe Dito (IMB), Masa-Hiko Saito (Université de Kobé)This conference will cover a wide range of themes on the mostrecent developments in geometric and representation theoretic
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