Master Class Algebraic Geometry & Physics (From August 28 to September 1, 2023)

Aims & scope
We organize a Master Class « Algebraic Geometry & Physics » dedicated to topics at the interface between algebraic geometry and theoretical physics.
This Master Class is intended primarily for students who will have validated a first year of Master’s degree in fundamental mathematics or theoretical physics in Summer 2023 (or before). However Bachelor’s students with a strong mathematical or physical background, and interested in algebraic geometry and theoretical physics, may also apply.
It will take place at the University of Burgundy (Dijon), inside the building Mirande (UFR Sciences et Techniques), from Monday August 28 to Friday September 01, 2023.
Organizers :
Daniel Faenzi, Lucy Moser-Jauslin, Ronan Terpereau.
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Aims & scope
We organize a Master Class "Algebraic Geometry & Physics" dedicated to topics at the interface between algebraic geometry and theoretical physics.
This Master Class is intended primarily for students who will have validated a first year of Master's degree in fundamental mathematics or theoretical physics in Summer 2023 (or before). However Bachelor's students with a strong mathematical or physical background, and interested in algebraic geometry and theoretical physics, may also apply.
It will take place at the University of Burgundy (Dijon), inside the building Mirande (UFR Sciences et Techniques), from Monday August 28 to Friday September 01, 2023.Organizers :
Daniel Faenzi, Lucy Moser-Jauslin, Ronan Terpereau.