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The regression models with dependent errors

18 décembre 2019 de 09:30 à 10:30

Speakers: Emmanuel Caron
We consider the usual linear regression model in the case where the error process is assumed strictly stationary. We use a result from Hannan (1973), who proved a Central Limit Theorem for the usual least squares estimator under general conditions on the design and on the error process. Whatever the design satisfying Hannan’s conditions, we define an estimator of the covariance matrix and we prove its consistency under very mild conditions. As an application, we show how to modify the usual tests on the linear model in this dependent context, in such a way that the type-I error rate remains asymptotically correct.
Then, we present some results on the non-parametric regression model in the case where the error process is a Gaussian stationary sequence.


Date :
18 décembre 2019
Heure :
09:30 à 10:30
Catégorie d’Évènement:
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